Our Work in Western Wyoming

Our Mission: We are committed to being a reliable source of education, financial aid, and emotional support. Our mission is to empower individuals with epilepsy to live full and productive lives while reducing the stigma of this condition.

Through our programs and services, we educate individuals and families on epilepsy management, treatment options, and other important resources available to them. Our financial assistance programs help alleviate the financial burden of epilepsy by providing funding for care, treatment, and other essential needs. Additionally, our emotional support services offer a safe and supportive space for individuals and families to connect, share experiences, and find comfort.

We believe that every person impacted by epilepsy deserves care, support, and advocacy. Our mission is to continue to expand our resources and reach throughout Wyoming, helping more families and individuals receive the critical assistance they need to thrive despite the challenges of epilepsy. At WWE Fund, we are committed to empowering individuals, families, and communities affected by epilepsy to live life to the fullest.

Our Vision: The Western Wyoming Epilepsy Fund envisions a future where families impacted by epilepsy receive proper support, education, and financial aid. We believe in equipping schools with seizure response plans, facilitating support groups for both individuals with epilepsy and their families, and providing financial assistance to those in need. Our vision is to create a community that is knowledgeable about epilepsy, and one where those impacted can thrive.

3 million adults and 470,000 children in the US are living with Epilepsy

Get Involved

Share your experience, volunteer with us, learn more about what we do.